Our aims

MARS is a research project and supports European policies, such as the Water Framework Directive,
and the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe’s Water Resources.

We have two target groups: "water managers" assessing and restoring rivers and lakes; and policy makers drafting and implementing policies related to water.

Our main objectives:

  • To understand the effects of multiple stressors on surface waters and groundwaters, their biota, and the services they provide to humans
  • To understand how ecological status and ecosystem services are related – if at all
  • To advise river basin management how to restore multiply stressed rivers and lakes
  • To advise the revision of the Water Framework Directive on new indicators for ecological status and ecosystem services
  • To develop methods and software for the Programmes of Measures

Watch the "Introduction to MARS", a short video about how multiple stressors affect water bodies and how MARS comes to answer the open questions. Watch video.